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Senin, 13 Februari 2012


Mocca are Arina (vocal), Riko (guitar), Toma (bass) and Indra (drum). Mocca plays indie pop folk jazz swing bossa nova music. They established at 1999 in Bandung, Indonesia. At the mid of 2011 the band have to take a break because Arina have to go to USA to get married. This rockumentary will tell their story after 12 years together and have to deal with this moment.

The film involving enormous young filmmakers from Jakarta and Bandung including Swinging Friends (Mocca Fans Club).

Mocca Rockumentary : Life Keeps on Turning directed by Ari Rusyadi and Nicholas Yudifar, also featuring surprised sequences created by Muhammad Akbar, Yusuf Ismail and Videorobber, visual artists from Bandung and Yogyakarta.

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